And for me, the best perk of Jillian is that she is available online! It was my saving grace and what finally allowed us to seek expert behavioral help. There was no way I could add more appointments on to our already appointment-laden life, and my son revolts against any appointment and makes it a nightmare for me, and I have a 1 year old too… with Jillian I can be at home during nap time, without my son knowing what’s going on, and my husband joins in from work, so it’s perfect for our schedule. And Jillian is so available by email and Facebook anytime… I don’t know how she does it! And her prices are so reasonable… again, I don’t know how she does it! But we are so grateful for her. She is supportive and never judgey. She helps us find what works for us instead of forcing us into a mold that doesn’t work for our family like everyone else we talk to tries to do. She has reasonable expectations and helps to keep me centered and encouraged. I don’t know about your situation, but we’ve struggled a lot with unfair criticisms and judgment from family, etc, and I’ve lived with so much Mom guilt (it’s my personality to be hard on myself), and Jillian has provided such a fresh and encouraging platform for us. It’s been very healing for my soul, not to mention that she’s helped open my eyes to a likely diagnosis, and as any parent can tell you, just knowing a diagnosis can be one of the greatest reliefs of all. Jillian has been so great for our family which is why we keep her around! She’s the best thing we did for my son. Or maybe for me.
We started our journey with Jillian, I believe, in February of 2017. We had behavioral issues with our 5 year old. He was already in young 5’s and his teacher had approached me suggesting we consider having him evaluated for ADD/ADHD. I knew there were issues (excessive boundary pushing – not listening, like it felt like he was never listening to anything we said. He defied his teachers, he screamed and cried every morning at drop off, he hid under the table from his teachers, he would swear at school … He tried to run away from me and refused to come back running through our neighborhood made it a good half a block and around a corner from me. That may have been a final breaking point for me). We were at our wits end. We felt like failures as parents. We were afraid of him starting his school foundation with such a rocky record. We put him in young 5s thinking that would be the year of growth he needed but his behavior was intensifying. I swallowed my pride, because who wants to admit they need help parenting, and reached out to Jillian. At the time she offered a free consultation and I thought “what have I got to lose?” After connecting with Jillian I realized I had everything to lose. She was kind and patient, she offered guidance and she genuinely took interest in my son and what was happening in our lives. I did the consultation alone but saw a real need for her. I felt like she could help. I talked to my partner when he came home and explained that I thought Jillian could help us with our son. He was hesitant. Maybe he didn’t realize things had gotten so difficult (he worked long hours and was often gone) or maybe he was afraid to admit that we were doing something wrong? Jillian met with my partner separately and it was then he too realized the investment that we were about to make in our family.
Now, I know everyone’s story is different but I can tell you with confidence that within a couple weeks of Jillian’s assistance we began to not only see changes in our parenting and in my son’s behavior but we also received compliments from his teachers. They recognized a change in him at school. Don’t get me wrong it was not easy. We had to do soul searching, admit things we maybe didn’t want to. We were committed to making changes and we worked really hard. But it was working. We kept seeing positive changes and Jillian was the only thing we had added to our mix.
By the time school let out we were no longer worried that our son was starting school on a rocky foundation. We were nervous for this coming school year but confident that whatever came up we could work though it.
This year has been a breeze compared to last. Of course, things are not always perfect; our son is still a child and we are still human but we are a better, stronger family and our son is not “that child” anymore.
I needed to share my story because if any of you have been on the fence or contemplating the investment in your family, I wanted you to know that you do have the power to change things. There’s that saying, “parenting doesn’t come with a handbook.” My mom once pointed out to us that “Jillian is your handbook.”
Sorry for the novel but I know the strength it took for me to be able reach out for help. Knowing what I know now, I only wish I had reached out sooner.