Child Behavior Analysis
Behavior always serves a purpose.
If a certain behavior continues, it’s because it works and provides the child with something that they want.
Even if that something is just getting some control over your emotions!
I firmly believe parents know their child better than anyone else.
(What’s with doctors, counselors, psychologists, etc. who don’t believe what you’re telling them?!)
However, this does not make parents experts in understanding the reasons behind their children’s behavior and what they actually mean.
It’s important for you to discover the reasons for your child’s behaviors.
Because, then, you’ll know exactly how to address and help them.
This is where I come in…
Parents are able to give me a very detailed picture of their child’s behaviors, attitudes, motivators (or lack thereof!), patterns, and personality traits.
With this, I’m able to decipher what type of strategies will be most effective in decreasing negative behaviors and increasing positive behaviors.
I also provide opportunities for clients to send in video footage of their child, so that I can get even more insight into their behaviors, verbal and emotional expression, and give very targeted feedback.
I help parents see what their children are trying to accomplish with their behaviors.
I also help you to understand what it’s like to be inside your child’s mind.
What they’re thinking, feeling, and experiencing in the midst of their struggles… versus what they’re showing you. Their internal realities are often starkly different than what they express.
I’ll provide you with tools and strategies that will still allow children to be themselves (no need to squash their spirit/personality!) and get their needs met in appropriate ways that don’t cause stress and discord!
Parents often wonder if I’m truly a fly on their wall…
…because I understand and get their child so well!